Members of East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy are distributed in a good number of countries including India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, USA, etc. The present list of Members can be downloaded
Anyone interested in the vascular plants of the Himalayas North-east Indian region can be a Member of TaxoClub. For downloading of Membership form CLICK HERE
Following categories of Membership are available
Since January 01, 2011
An admission fee of INR 100.00 will be charged for Natural, Life and Annual Members
Natural Members will be honoured with a colour membership certificate!
For Membership and for subscription of Pleione please contact: Secretary, East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy, Manjusree Apartment, Flat A1, Surya Sen Pally, P.O. Kadamtala, Siliguri 734011, W.B., India.;;
Different notifications, declarations and any other information will be uploaded For recent Notifications CLICK HERE