The idea of establishing a platform for the taxonomists, ecologists, ethnobotanists and biodiversity conservationists working with the Himalayan plants came to the mind of Dr. Abhaya Prasad Das, Professor of Botany, University of North Bengal – located at the feet of the Darjeeling part of the great Himalayas. At the beginning the matter was closely discussed with his students and friends through e-mails and letters. The idea was the solidified as most of the people appreciated and welcomes the idea. The decision for the formation of TaxoClub was taken in a meeting on 29th September 2004 at the University of North Bengal
In September 2004, Prof. A.K. Pandey (Delhi University) and Prof. S.K. Mukherjee (Kalyani University) were visiting North Bengal University. Using their visit as an opportunity, Prof. A.P. Das convened a meeting on 29th September 2004 in the evening. The meeting was also attended by the young taxonomists from the taxonomy laboratory of the North Bengal University
The meeting decided to establish the society and named it as East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy [EHSST] with a nickname TaxoClub. It was also decided to publish a half-yearly journal and to organise meetings or conferences in regular intervals. Earlier, the journal, ‘Pleione’ was publishing on 30th June and 31st December. But, since 2021, the journal is publishing on 30th April, 31st August and on 31st December
To name the journal, a generic name ‘Pleione’ (a group of beautiful orchids) was selected and is now in use
Chief Editor: Prof. A.P. Das
Co-Editors: Dr. Chandra Ghosh (NBU), and
Mr. Lalit K. Rai (Gangtok)
Members :
Editorial Advisory Committee :
Finally, the East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy, nick-named TaxoClub was launched to its activities on 27th May 2007 at the Department of Botany, North Bengal University
1. Launching of EHSST
2. Celebration of Linnaean birth-tercentenary; and
3. Releasing the first issue of EHSST’s official journal – Pleione
The University of North Bengal is situated in a remote area. Even then, a recognisable crowd attended the meeting. The entire program was designed and anchored by Prof. A.K. Pandey. Prof. J.V.V. Dogra presided over the meeting. The EHSST or TaxoClub was formally launched by Prof. A.P. Das. Dr. L.R. Shakya and Dr. A.A. Ansari jointly released the Vol.1, issue 1 of Pleione
The second half of the meeting was held after a short lunch break and that was presided over by Dr. R.B. Bhujel in which Prof. A.K. Pandey and Prof. A.P. Das delivered lectures on the life and works of Carl von Linné